Thats right, University is back in swing today. Though I only have three lectures, kill me, and I left early. It was a good day. I'll talk about it more tomorrow, so stay tuned.
It's also K-On! Monday! Let's get right into it!
Thats right, University is back in swing today. Though I only have three lectures, kill me, and I left early. It was a good day. I'll talk about it more tomorrow, so stay tuned.
It's also K-On! Monday! Let's get right into it!
Today's storm came out of nowhere, one moment it was the middle of summer and next it was like July. I live in the southern hemisphere. This left with some free time to think again. I've been coming back to the same discussion on Autism I've had since 2023, mainly how people view it and don't treat it with the seriousness that I think it requires. Mostly people who get their information from tiktok probably. I tried to articulate it here last year but couldn't really get it out, but I've had a breakthrough.
You see, it started at the end of last year, when I first went out with that girl. Now, I don't want to talk crap behind anyone's back, so I'll make this brief. But the way they spoke about disabilities, not just autism, was really disheartening. It opened my eyes up to how some people think about it, how they just use disabilities as an extension of themselves. Which I believe negates the real damaging effects of these disabilities.
You all know what I mean, it doesn't take much to find someone with this outlook on life. They brag about their disabilities like it's nothing. Now, this has always annoyed and upset me, and I think I have finally understood why.
For most of my life, autism has been a part of my life in a big way. It has defined me. Shaped my entire life. So to me, it's just another part of me. While for a lot of these people, they seek it out to help understand themselves. They read online about the traits autism or ADHD has, and then apply that to themselves. They actively sought out this, wanted it, usually at an older age too. That's why they act the way they do, they needed this for themselves. While I was told I had autism at a young age, and has only negatively affected my life. I was tasked out of classes, had social problems, and mental health issues.
Now I don't doubt that these other people haven't had the same issues as me, or even doubling their disabilities. But what I wanted to complain about is how I'm uniquely upset by this honestly little problem. I just wanted to talk about the difference in thought between two different types of people.
See ya
Alright let's do this,
Welcome back to K-On! Monday 62!!!
I've been thinking about what I could do to spice these posts up, so this week is part one of two. Of what you ask? Well, it's time to take a look at what happens after K-On! K-On! College to be specific, with university starting up next week I thought it was the best time to take a look at it. So this week I'll show off the book itself, and then next week I give my thoughts on it. To be honest I haven't read it yet, I know fake fan.
Today we're going to take another K-On! cd. This week is also a follow up the K-On! Monday XV. Back then I showed off a sheet music book containing the songs Go! Go! Manic and Listen!!
Hello all, welcome back to K-On! Monday!
Today we have the last thing I got from my Japan study trip.
Welcome Back! It's been a weird week, so I'm only going to show some other stuff. I changed my Yui Nendoroid around. The guitar ke...