Tuesday, 31 December 2024


 To be frank with you, I would have found it impossible to be in the position today if you asked me last year. Sitting on an aircraft, flying to Japan for a stint at Kobe University, an international university. Something I have dreamed about for most of my life. Let alone everything else achieved this year. I would have laughed at you.

If 2023 was the year I rebuilt myself, started new foundations, and helped find who I was.

2024 was the year I started pushing those limits and grew more as a person than I ever have.

While I haven’t achieved everything I wanted to this year, playing the drums, and involvement with the Labor party, among other things I can’t really remember. And I did have massive depression swings during the year. I still never could have hoped for things to turn out the way they did.

Just looking at the last posts I made during the year, I still managed to do the best I possibly could and I couldn’t have been proud enough of myself for that. Let's go over the list:

Japanese: I wanted to learn the language, well that isn’t going to happen in one year; especially with my disability. But let’s look at the good sides, I ended up passing both my units and more importantly my exam. That meant a lot to me. I defied my own expectations and my disability and built the foundations in a tough language. Plus, as I’ve said like a million times already, I’m going to Japan for god sake. I’m actually going to study a language overseas, and that at least means something.

Speaking about studying overseas, remember back in May when I was going to quit University again? instead, I wanted to go to a language school in Japan? Well, that little crisis in my university career ended with instead a change to Civil Engineering. Well, I haven’t started yet, I’m hoping I can mid-next year (2025). But I hope this change will be beneficial for me in the long run. I was right to question my history degree, it wasn’t the future I wanted or probably would have worked for me either. I’ve already explained this a million times, so let’s move on.

Party politics, let's make this short. I want to be more involved, it’s as simple as that. I pushed myself this year and I think I made good inroads. I have a solid group of friends at the party, but this still isn’t enough. I want to get more involved, so in the new year, I will try my hardest and push myself even more.

As for friendships/relationships, it’s been kinda rough. Speaking strictly of friendships, I don’t think I’ve made many new connections with people. I do have a few, I won’t lie. But I think I need to open up to people more often. I only really have one person I do that with, but I’ve known her for years. And as for relationships, well that was shit. I don’t want to go into too much detail here, I’m going to go in-depth into it later. But let’s look at the positives, I went on my first dates this year. I tried to talk to women for the first time. Plus, I’m going to meet some more in the new year. So, you know what I’m trying. That’s what matters. In a world full of incel Andrew Tate dipshits, an autistic kid like me trying is nice.

Lastly, I just wanted to say I want to watch more anime next year, weird I know. But I don't think I gave myself enough time off this past year. I think that's why I may have fallen into those pits, I lost myself. I said this yesterday so I wanted to say it again. Plus I need to watch more K-On!, oh and that new city anime is coming out next year too. 

I think 2025 will be a good year, I'm spending the first chunk of it here in Japan. Then I finally had a direction for myself. Pushing myself towards Engineering and Japanese will be good for me. I'm looking forward to it. Nothing will change here, I promise. My love of K-On! is still as strong as ever. 

That it for now, I'll do something tomorrow. Proboably. One last time for this year,

See ya

Writing on the plane was fun, very soothing 

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