Monday, 25 November 2024

K-On! Monday! 50

Happy K-On! Monday! all. 50! Holy crap we're already up to 50 posts. I don't know how long I'll keep doing this, I think I wasn't to get to 100 at least then we'll see what happens. 

Let's take a look at this movie stand-up. I actually have all five of these, one for each character, but what are these. From my understanding, they would go on top of the front desk of the cinema. Like I said, there is one for each character and I have all five of them. 

Anyway that should be it, I'm going away next week for work. I won't be back home until christamas. I'll still be posting K-On! Monday! and other stuff though so don't worry about it.

See ya.

Monday, 18 November 2024

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Japan Summer 2024

 I was looking through my blog the other day, and realised that I haven't posted any photos from my last Japan trip. So here they are! 

Monday, 11 November 2024

K-On! Monday! 48

 Hello all, welcome back to K-On! Monday. Since today is Azusa's Birthday, well fictional birthday. I actually think it's weird that people care. I thought showing off the last of my K-On would be good! plushies, my Azusa one. 

I still need to get a Mugi one, I might do that in January. Anyway, have a great week,

See ya

Sunday, 10 November 2024

January in Japan

Well today I booked my flights and got hotels ready for Japan today, and before I start I just would like to say how lucky and fortunate I am to be in a position to do this. I'm a very lucky person and am very grateful to be going on this trip. With that said, let's get into it. 

Now I just want to add a little bit of context before I start, I'm attending Kobe University this January. This unit starts on the 7th of January and ends on the 28th. It's just a short winter course that will go towards my degree, however, I feel that the experience and being the Japan for such a period of time with the more worthwhile aspect of it. I'll also be staying at the University dorms with other international students, which is really neat. It'll be like one of those American college films, well I hope!

I doubt something like this would happen thought 
Side note, when I was in Scouts, we got in trouble for doing
something like this.

Alright with that said, since the airfares are so expedience that time of year, probably lots of people flying home after the holidays. I'm actually flying into the country on the 30/31st of December. So that means two things. One: I'll be spending New Year's Eve and Day in Tokyo. Which is super cool, but also terrifying too. It might end up being one of the loneliest New Years of my life. Two: I'll have an extra week in the country to enjoy myself. So for the first three days, I'll be in Tokyo, I'm not too sure what I'll be up to. I might go look around at some ani locations or something. For New Year's ever I land a few hours beforehand, so I'll have to rush into the city to see the fireworks. Then after my time in Tokyo, I'll be in Kyoto again. This time I want to go see Uji, where Sound Euphonium takes place. I might also scout out some more K-On! locations, who knows. 

We're going K-On! location hunting again gentlemen 

 Then on the 6th, I check into the Student Dorm and start my course the next day. From what I've read it looks packed. I'm hoping to study very hard and improve my Japanese. I also know that we are going to get some excursion days too. That would be awesome! I also want to visit Nishinomiya again, I would love to finally see Haruhi Hill at least once in my life. Back to the more important part of my trip. I'm really looking forward to experiencing what school/education is like in another country. As well as all the other fun stuff that goes with living in another country. I know it's only a taste tester, but it's still a big deal to me. What is also really cool is that I was in the same area back in June, so I know what supermarkets, shows, and trains to catch. 

After that I have an extra two days to get back to Tokyo, My flight leaves early morning on the 31st. Again, the flight prices sucked. I'm not too sure what I want to do during this period of time. But I definitely know I want to go back to Toyosato.

Overall I'm SUPER excited, and can't wait for this fantastic experience. One last note, this time last year I was in Japan. Since it was a massive part of my life last year, I want to leave you with some photos from the trip. I took these with my PS Vita, which I got while I was there. Anyway have a great Sunday, and a great K-On! Monday tomorrow. 

See ya

This was a house that I stayed in

A photo taken from a Shinkansen

And K-On! Afterschool Tea-time
Something I searched hard for.

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Well, Now What?

You know November 7th has always been a special day for me. I explained this on my old blog two years ago. I really don't know why, it might just be that I remember the date. But this year it didn't disappoint. 

Well if you heard the news you would know about what's going on right now. I GOT INTO THAT KOBE UNIVERSITY PROGRAM! Oh yeah, and Trump won, again. But I GOT IN! Honestly, I'm so fucking happy and grateful that I'm able to spend a whole month in Japan next year. I've worked very hard on my Japanese skills this year, and I'm hoping that this will continue to push me in the right direction. Studying overseas has been on my bucket list for most of my life, so I'm very happy to finally try it out in January. I'm a very lucky person. I'll post about my plans for it on Sunday, what I'll be doing and that sort of thing. 

As for my Japanese exam on Tuesday, I think it went well, to be honest. I don't think I did super duper well or anything. But I defiantly did pass at least, which would be awesome if I did. Like I said before, I've worked really hard all year on my Japanese skills and it would be awesome to pass this exam. 

Speaking of exams, on December 1st I have JLPT (Japanese Learning Proficiently Test). One of my goals this year was to pass my N5 test. Which is a certificate to say that you can read Japanese. I know N5 doesn't mean much, but I want the validation. 

With studying Japan in January, doing well on my University exam, and JLPT in December. Things are going really good for me, very exciting time ahead.

Or is it. well, I can't ignore the red elephant in the room. Trump won. Again. While I'm not an American, I think everyone understands the significance of the American president, and what a second Trump presidency means for the world. I'm not going to lie to anyone, I'm fucking terrified. Not of him, but the Republican ghouls that are about to enter the white house. Anyone with half a brain knows that Project 2025 is their goal, doesn't matter what Trump claims. I'm scared about what this means for the rest of us in the world. How their policies will trickle down to us. If the US starts a trade war with everyone and crashes their economy, what happens if the US retreats to isolationism again. How Trump will kill any action on climate change that Biden has started. Whatever happens, I'm just scared about the world. 

See ya

I know that got depressing, but I hope things will
turn out ok.

Monday, 4 November 2024

K-On! Monday! 47

 Guys, I've got my Japanese exam tomorrow. Send help

See ya

I've studied hard for it so I think I'll be ok.

Everyone hates me

Everyone hates me.  I don't know why, I always try so fucking hard and yet everyone still hates me. Is it because I try too hard? Do I s...