Tuesday, 30 April 2024

So what's up with University?

Honestly, I've had a weird week, questioning my life choices. Well, actually my university choices, what I'm going to get out of it. Look let's be real with ourselves here, an arts degree is really worth jack shit, especially these days with the advent of AI. It was only a few months ago I was discovering what Microsoft's copilot can do. I don't know what will happen if AI continues to take jobs from writers, engineers, or programmers. I know writers are safe right now, but you don't have to think hard to imagine how AI will make us writers obsolete, especially when you have high school students turning in essays that rival university graduates. 

More importantly, I'm just not enjoying it that much, which puts me in a weird place. Because on the one hand, I love history, and on the other, I'm 100 certain that I don't want to be an academic. So what do I do? Do I carry on and finish my degree, adding thousands of dollars to my HECS for no reason? Or do I quit now and think about it for another few months then come back to it? The latter of which puts me back in the same place I was last year, which I know I don't want to be in again. And the former with saddle me in debt for years to come. So what do I do? We take the third way.

If you've noticed I haven't mentioned the large elephant in the room, my Japanese studies. I mean this blog is themed around Japan, so what do I do about that? Well, considering my English-speaking background and my Autism, I think I'm doing okay. I think I'm behind on the university's program, but they say we all learn at different speeds right? I'm trying my hardest to learn it, and it's kind of working. I do get really happy with myself if I understand a sentence in a show or something. Most importantly though, I am enjoying myself. 

Now this takes us back to that third way from before, I won't fully quit university next semester. Instead what I'll do is just from the history part of my degree, for now, might switch majors if I can. I might also pick up a math bridging course just in case I want to switch back to a math-based course. I don't think I've said this but I'm much more of a math person than an English person, plus those types of people are more my speed. Though AI is having massive impacts over there too, so I'll have to think about career choices.  

Lastly, I've also decided that I might take a study trip to Japan next year. Probably for three months at a language school just to get a taste of it. If I end up liking it I'll probably go for a longer time. This also plays into my plans for next semester. 

Before I go I just want to add one last thing, I do exaggerate a lot of my problems. My life isn't hard, or bad in any way. I might just do it for fun or just to vent my frustrations here. Plus if anyone does actually read this remember that I do this as a personal diary of sorts. I don't expect anyone to actually read it. 

Anyway, that's it for tonight, have a great week and a great month next month. 

See ya

History is for nerds anyway, HAHAHAHA

Monday, 29 April 2024

K-On! Monday XX

Already up to 20 huh? Well, welcome back to K-On! Monday! Let's try and keep it simple today. If you think back to K-On! Monday XIII, I have a little Yui sitting on my Mac. Well, I promised to show the new one, so here it is!

See, still in the packet

I like that little hop thing, probably used to hang them in convenience stores.

The back shows the other available characters, I'd like to collect all of them one day, but right now I only have Yui and Mugi. 

To make a comment on the new milestone, I can't believe I've made it to 20 of these stupid posts. Let's see how many more I can do before I run out of stuff to talk about.

See ya

Monday, 22 April 2024

K-On! Monday XIX

 I don't have much time tonight, so here's a Yui pin.

I got it from the music that was used in K-On!
See ya

Sunday, 21 April 2024

God I fucking hate uni

It's just how it's run that pisses me off the most. 

For context, I just sat my Japanese test, at home online I might add, and most lightly failed it. Now I'm not some lazy bum, I spend all week studying in the library Japanese and yet the stupid fucking test still sucks ass. Like how am I suspected to study for it, when they give us no clue as to what's in them. Just review this chapter marker, then include all sorts of stuff. I'm not mean, but at least some practice questions would be nice. You should at least try to help me, I'm learning a language, not writing an essay or doing science work. Plus they give you now help outside of class, just go to the studies society for more help. I'm struggling here and no one is helping me. 

But my gripe is with the complete disorganisation of the tests, to put it simply, they just suck. They don't test you at all, I just don't get them. Plus they only have a set number of responses, which they the computer marks from. It's just so annoying.

I'm just mad because I'm spending all this time studying the language and it's not paying off. I feel like I'm going backwards. I just want some help, but I don't know where to turn. If anyone knows what I can do, please say something thing.

See ya.

It's just hurting my head

Monday, 15 April 2024

K-On! Monday XVIII

Welcome back to K-On! Monday everyone,

Back in K-On! Monday IX we took a look at the first volume of the K-On! manga,  today we'll be looking at volume two! 

This time round Mio is featured on the front

Volume two was the base for the second half of season one, basically the girl's second year. Honestly, it's still a bit too moe for my liking, though it does have its moments. 

Azusa is introduced!

Though it is different to the Anime's introduction, she first watches the main girl's performance at the school festival, and then is inspired to join the light-music club; instead of seeing their first year's introduction performance. Not too different from the Anime I guess after all haha. 

Azusa at the clubroom for the first time

All in all, most of Kakifly's K-On! stuff is waaay more moe than Kyoani's, especially these first two volumes. Not that I'm saying it's bad or anything, but not what I'm into. It just lacks the depth I feel the Anime added. For example, when Yui forgot gitaa (ギター) for the second-year school festival allowed her to run home. Thinking about what the club meant to her, and bringing the season full circle when she first ran the school without a purpose, now she has one. But in the manga, it's just treated as a joke, with Yu bringing it with her as the punchline. The Anime's added depth is what made K-On! so popular, we all reminisce about the past, and how we might be better off now than we were before. 

It's still a fun read though, if you like the show check it out! It has most of the jokes as season 1. Even though it isn't true, the manga just feels like a condensed version of the anime. Like I said before, "You should just treat it like a newspaper comic." If you do that, then it's a fun read! Anyway, see you all in nine weeks for vol 3, have a good week.

See ya

Thursday, 11 April 2024

I think I'm too hard on myself

I think I'm too hard on myself, let me explain.

I think I need to give myself more credit when it's due sometimes, or when something goes wrong, I punish myself too much. For instance during school times, uni or high school, I'm always pushing myself to study, as a sort of punishment. While this is great as I do well academically, I need to give myself more lean room. It's part of that regret post from a few months ago. I think I wasted my last few high school years trying to study for no reason, and I think I'm making the same mistake again. 

For example look at Sunday's (にちようび)post. I had a meltdown over nothing, I'm actually doing fine in Japanese, plus that book report did well. You see the problem isn't I'm not working hard, it's just that I think I'm not working hard. When is still a good mindset to have, at least I think it is, however, I'm always putting myself down because of it. I won't go into details in a public place, but it's something I should tell my therapist, that came out really edgy, didn't it?

Honestly, I've always done this, I used to get physical with myself too. When I'm really pissed off I still do. I really wish I didn't do it, but the feeling of hatred towards myself is so great, I just can't help it. I definitely need to tell my therapist haha. Though this blog does help. 

Anyway to make a long story short, I need to be nicer to myself. I have flaws, I need to accept them, and I need to stop judging myself on other people. Especially when the other people are just as flawed as me. 

TRIP NEWS. To not leave this post in a melancholic state, I have some news on the June Japan trip. I've decided to extend the trip by a few days, and I'm going to spend the time in the city of Kobe (こべ), which is west of Osaka (おおさか). This means I'll be able to revisit Nishinomiya (にしのみや) too.

I'll leave it at that. Hope you all have a great Friday and weekend, remember to watch Sound! Euphonium on Sunday. 

See ya.

My brain after finishing that book report

Monday, 8 April 2024

K-On! Monday XVII

Alright let's get back to basics,

Tonight will be showing off an art booklet from the K-On! Movie. 

Look at the front, it's got YUI and MUGI!

Sorry for the one-handed filming

Like it said, it's just a bonus you get with film. But it's always cool to see this sort of stuff. Filmmaking has always interested me, so seeing how any film, let alone K-On, is made interests me. When I'm back in Japan, I'll have to search for more K-On! artbooks, honestly any show or movie I like would be good. I already have a few for K-On, plus Your Name and a silent voice ones, which are both fantastic. I'll make sure to post any I get on the trip in two months. 

About last night, as you probably read, I was super stressed. Thankfully I had the day off and studied like hell all day. I'm still not 100% confident, but I'm getting there. Learning Japanese is really difficult. The good news is I got my results from that history book report two weeks ago. I got a 70/100! You probably don't understand how great that is for me. Having Autism, this result is just elating. I'm actually passing my uni course. Now I know this is my first History assignment, but it just helps my confidence. I'll leave it here, and pick it up later. 

Anyway, thats it for tonight, you all have a great week, make sure to watch Sound! Euphonium, and stay well.

See ya 

Its wild this is the only time we see Yui and Ui's parents

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Send help please

 I feel like I'm really drowning here, I feel like I just keep up with my studies. I honestly wasted the whole day, but I didn't have the energy to do anything. I sleep for most of it. I don't think I can keep up with work and continue studying, it's killing me. I can't come home at 6pm after starting at 5am to study. Especially when it's two subjects I've always struggled with. The problem is I'm telling everyone that I'm fine when I'm really not. I'm on the verge of crying. But I don't want to tell anyone, I just don't think anyone will understand. Who do I tell without sounding weak? But is it ok that I'm struggling? It's not my fault I have autism, or should I take into account that. I don't know, but I just want help.

See ya

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

K-On!'s 15th anniversary & the big news

I'll start with the anniversary, it's been 15 years since K-On! started airing, kinda snuck up on me, to be honest. I don't have anything planned, sucks eh? I wish I had the time to write a more loving post about my feelings and experience with the show. I'm actually rewatching the show right now too, but I honestly don't have the time or energy to do it. It's my study break right now, I'm working full time again, plus I still have to study my Japanese (にほんご). Look at that, I know at least four hiragana, imagine what I'll know In another month! 

It's a shame I didn't make an effort today, but I think my feelings about K-On! are already well-known. Honestly, I run a blog theme on the show, plus K-On! Monday! I'll try and scrape together to make up for today, but no promises. 

On to the big news. I'M GOING BACK TO JAPAN! That's right, in my upcoming winter break, I'm heading back. It started last week, I found out that students get a discount with Singapore Airlines, it's 10% on fares, and 40kg luggage for free, if you know anything about airlines that's a lot. I was checking flights for fun, procrastinating at the library actually, when I saw some super cheap flights for my break. So I said what the hell, I can only do this when I'm young right? It's also the reason I picked up more work this week too, well I was going to work anyway, and I still have money saved up from last year. The trip won't cost much either, which is a bonus. I'm very lucky to be in this position and to be able to book another trip so soon after my last, I'm very grateful.

Only a short trip this time thought, just hitting Tokyo (ときょう) and Kyoto (きょうと). Of course, I'll be headed back to Toyosato (とよさと), I just can't help myself. I'll share more details about the trip the closer we get to it, I'm only going for eight days, so I'm going to cram as much in as possible. Before you ask, yes I'll be posting photos again, and yes I'll try and finish the recap of the last trip before this one. 

It's going to be awesome to see Japan In the summer too, I know people say it's a bad time to travel, but I don't really care. It's a much cheaper season to travel than Spring or Autumn, so hopefully fewer tourists too. 

Anyway, happy anniversary K-On! Hope you all have a great week, looking forward to sharing more photos with you all. 

See ya

I had to get my passport renewed, luckily it isn't that hard in Australia

Monday, 1 April 2024

The End of K-On! Monday!?

What's up, guys!

It's me Barstool here, today I'm here to tell you that I'm giving up on this crappy Japanese show. "Why?" you ask? Well, who even cares about K-On! anyway right? HAHAHAHA. It's just for losers with no life, not like me, I have a life! HAHAHAHA. "bbbbbuut you've been posting about K-On! for months now? You're a hypocrite" No, I'm not. That was all a trick, it was just to fool you losers into trusting me. And it worked too! HAHAHAHA. 

What now you ask? Let me show you my real hobby, my PASSION, my AI-generated NFT Dropshiped MAN supplements. How can it be AI-generated and an NFT if it's supposed to be a real product? I hear you asking? Well shut up, and let the adults do the talking. HAHAHAHA. My new AI-generated NFT Dropshiped MAN supplements, called Man POWER (Powered by the Metaverse), are the new hot ticket item. For only $79.99 per 25 pills, all virgin beta males can get MANED UP. I'll be turning this crappy anime blog into a Shopify site real soon so with it, you can get yourself some Man POWER (Powered by the Metaverse).

How did I get into this amazing business? You ask? Just join my University for only $999.99! You too can learn how to get as much money as ME! Hint, the pills are just cheap fish oil tablets from China, repackaged. HAHAHAHA. I don't even see them, they go straight from the factory to the poor suckers who bought them, HAHAHAHA. But don't tell any, ok? 

But what about K-On! Monday! Well, it's not going any! Instead, it's being replaced by MAN POWER (Powered by the Metaverse) Monday! Quite the improvement I think. Who knows what MANLY things I'll be talking about, probably to escape the Matrix™ though. Hot tip, the best way do to that is to make as much money as humanly possible, scam as many impossible 14 years as you can, and consume as many overpriced toys as you can, my rented Bugatti is blue btw, and you'll definitely get out! Trust me! HAHAHAHA. Just join my University, for only $999.99, or $1499.99 for Doctorateritirc in suckholing, uuuuuuh I mean business, and you'll definitely know how!

So this is it for K-On! and all that other anime crap! From now on it's just Man POWER (Powered by the Metaverse) for me! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Oh yeah, don't take two pills on the same day. I know that they're just fish oil, but I'm pretty sure the cheap factory I just also makes commercial poison. Some of it might get on, or mixed up in the tablets. But don't worry, and REAL MAN could handle it, right? 

See ya

Happy April Fools
I've got some news to share tomorrow, stay tunned. 

K-On! Monday! 64

 Welcome Back! It's been a weird week, so I'm only going to show some other stuff.  I changed my Yui Nendoroid around. The guitar ke...