The 29th of February 2024, the last day of summer, the last summer of my teen years, well at least I got an extra day. I'm sitting on the Swan River beachfront, just outside my university, enjoying the summer breeze. Wondering to myself where did it all go? Alright, enough 18th-century journaling. What I'm actually doing is stressing the hell out. It's finally setting in, I'm actually growing up. Yeah, I know it doesn't just don't happen at the snap of the fingers. But that slow creep of adulthood has nearly caught up to me, and I fucking terrified.
I had this thought the other night, thinking about how March is just around the corner, then BOOM! summer is almost over and I'm 19. Then the realisation hit, last summer as a teen; I guess I forgot until now. Now I'm not too upset about the "making the most of youth" thing. I've never been too fused about that. It's more the idea and the progression that's freaking me out. Honestly, it's one of the first times I've actually realised that my youth/childhood is ending. I've always known it like most I guess. I don't know I others have had this same realisation, or for the same reason for that matter. Hopefully, I'm not alone in this crisis.
I think I just hoped university to be the same as high school. I think that's partly true, we university students use this time to kick adulthood further down the road. Artifushly pushing it back a few years, while we focus on our futures, Now yes, we also use this time to better ourselves, for future jobs and careers. But the former I think is more true. Or at least both are true.
Anyway, so how did I spend my last summer? As I've said before on this blog, here, I hate summer. So I actually spent most of it inside. Now I'm not some neckbeard, I shave every day. I worked outside every day, so the idea of intentionally spending my free time in the sun? No way. I've mentioned this in passing, I'm Australian and live in Australia. So you can understand why I don't like the heat. Going to the beach in 40-degree heat isn't all that fun, no matter what one of us might tell you. However just the idea of summer, time off, spending time with friends, I still love. And how much of that did I do? Well, not much to be honest, at least it was more than mid-last year! Not that's a high bar or anything. I think it's just hard to find the time and energy when you're working full-time. Now that I'm at uni, hopefully, I can spend more time with people. Even though it still may be thought for my friends. Though there is the chance to make new ones at uni. I guess it doesn't really matter what time of year, or the age, you can still find time to be with people.
I just want to say, that this is supposed to be more of a melancholy/positive post. When we are young, we tend to treat childhood like it's how our whole life is this period, when in fact it's just the beginning. Even though my time as a kid has ended, I can still find the time to be happy. The more I grow up, the more I realise that. We still have a life left to live.
See ya