You know when I woke up this morning I felt like shit. Not seeing my friends for a few months now has caught up with me. The thing is that I am making an effort, well at least I think I am. I'm always talking to them, sending snaps, clips of stuff. Throughout my break, I asked two or three times to hang out. But no, no one could come. I'm always trying, asking if people are free on weekends, asking to go watch a movie. I'm always trying to make an effort, but no one seems to care. It's been that way since high school thought. I'm always trying, for god sake I organised our own graduation trip. Paid for most of myself, paid for extra events, and food, and even called some of their parents! But do you think they care? NO! The last year of my life has been the loneliest ever. I get that it's also my fault, but you think someone could ask me in a while. I went months without seeing people, IT TURNED ME INTO A WEEB FOR GOD SAKE! I LIKE FUCKING K-ON FOR GOD SAKE. The real turning point has been these last few weeks though. No effort was made by others to organise something, no one asked little old me to go out. I'm just so sick of asking and not receiving any answers, I end up thinking they hate me. Then in turn I hate myself. It's also probably why I spend so much money, my monkey brain needs that rush, and buying K-On crap feeds it.
Anyway, I felt like crap because I'm really lonely. I want to talk to people about these shows I watch. But who too? My family? No way, I just go to them to like some Japanese films. Showing them Yui or god forbid Aqua or Tohru, it'll set me back years. So no, I just got the internet. Twitter, Reddit, and Forums are my best bet. Yes, Reddit, I know. Anyway, I have this too. My blog, what a cringey this is. I HOPE no one I know finds this or the other one. And If you do know me, don't ever ask me about it. If you really want to let me know, just tell me you like my ordinary life. That's the trigger word, ok? And yes it's a Nichijou reference, make your comments now.
Anyway, moving on to some neat. Today I was surfing to good old internet, looking at K-On! stuff, like you do. And you know what I found? Why it was the Supergroupies Ho-Kago Tea Time Watch! Ngl, I've looking for like four months now. It's super dumb, but I don't care. I'll show you all in a K-On! Monday! when I get it.
That should be it for today, I'll post something soon I promise,
See ya.
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